Monday, August 31, 2009
Day +23
Rachel was able to eat a little this afternoon and a little tonight. She had a boneless buffalo chicken wing, and a several bites of chicken enchilada. All of it tasted good and she was able to keep it down.
Prayer for
No infections
No graft vs. Host
Thanks to everyone who has so faithfully been lifting Rachel up in prayer. Doctors say she is doing very well and we know the prayers have made all the difference.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Day +22
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Day +21
Today our friend Jan came by and bought Mexican food!! It was awesome and I enjoyed visiting with her. Rachel ended up sleeping through the visit, but will hopefully be awake next time Jan comes by. We go back to clinic on Monday and it will have been a week since she got out of the hospital so hoping she will feel like she has improved. I know she feels like everyday is the same and it would be encouraging for her to "feel" better.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Day +19
Things for prayer
Pray for engraftment
Pray about nausea
Pray about stomach pain
Pray for food to taste good
On day +17 my friend Mary Sue posted a comment about her visit with us. If you haven't read this you might want to as it will give you another perspective on "The Journey"
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Day +17
By the time we got home today Rachel was just wiped out. She napped a good part of the afternoon and still was pretty tired. They want us to start keeping a record of what she eats..the more she starts to eat the less TPN she will need. She drank an Ensure this morning, had 3 8oz apple juices and one 8 oz of orange juice. Also about 3 tsp of chili. She kept all of this down Praise the Lord. Stomach issues are still a big part of her discomfort but hopefully eating even a little bit will help her stomach get use to all of this again. She is walking better than she was a few days ago. She is pretty stable with the walker so keep praying...God is hearing our prayers.
Prayer concerns
stomach pain
energy level
Day +16
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Day +15
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Day +14
Today started about 7am with Rachel saying she couldn't breath well. She was stopped up and felt like she couldn't get a good breath. She was also having pain in her stomach and got nauseated. She was getting enough oxygen but she just felt like she couldn't get a good breath. She was getting platelets, but has received those before and never had this reaction. So they did give her benedryl and she started getting better after about 30 min. Her ANC (absolute neutrophil count) was 1.5 so up from yesterday and doctors say overall still doing very well. Doctors said it is not unusual for the temps to go up and down at this time in transplant. Still if it goes to 100.5 they would treat it like an infection even if it isn't a true infection.
Our good friend Mary Sue came from Virginia and got to the hospital about 10:30am. So we had a good time talking and talking. Played a few trivia questions and then Rachel fell asleep for a while. After she woke up we went for a walk outside. When we went outside they actually were able to stop the IV and detach from her so we didn't have to take the IV poll. That was nice too. Rachel also walked in the hall today.
Since we have company we ordered Dominos...they deliver to the unit we are on...hippee!! Rachel at a few bites of a pasta bowl and a few bites of pizza!! So far she still feels good and no nausea!! Praise the Lord.

Friday, August 21, 2009
Update to prayer request Day +13
Prayer Request Day +13
Day +13
no fevers
absolute neutrophil counts continue to rise
no shakiness

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Day +12
I went to a class today on line care and how to give her one of the meds, mucomyst that she will still be receiving by IV when discharged. Lots of information, but I guess I will get the hang of it once I have to start doing it all of the time. The doctors are also taking Rachel off of some of the meds she is on and are saying in the next few days they will switch some of the IV meds to pill form. That is encouraging as well.
We are watching episodes of The Nanny at the moment...we love those they are so funny and laughing is a good way to spend time in the hospital.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Day +11
Rachel still has mouth and throat sores, but I have been glad the medicine is keeping Rachel comfortable. No nausea in the last few days. Now if the shaky and jerky movements get under control that would be great and if something would taste good.
Thanks for all of the prayers everyone...keep praying.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Day +10
Earlier today our care partner came by for a visit. Rachel slept right up till the end of the visit, but I enjoyed talking with her. Guess that is about it for today.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Day +9
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Day +8
A friend came today from the local church that we had previously visited. She bought me Taco Bell which was awesome. Rachel did wake up for some of the visit and I am sure she enjoyed seeing someone besides me 24-7! Except for the jerky movements it was a pretty good day.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Day +7
Prayer concerns:
nausea stays under control
mouth and throat sores stay under control
that she does not develop any fevers
white count continues to rise
Friday, August 14, 2009
Day +6
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Day +5
Tonight we did get a visit from a nice couple that are friends with a friend of mine in Tx. We had a good time getting to know each other and they prayed with us. It is awesome to see God working through his people. He sends what we need in fellowship, prayers and support.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Day +4
She didn't need any transfusions today. The doctors did look in her mouth and said she has a few sores, but they say she is doing very well ..... keep praying we believe that is making all the difference. Also pray that she doesn't get any fevers or infections.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Day +3

Monday, August 10, 2009
Day +2
We are enjoying having Jim (Dad) here. He can always make us laugh and that is a good thing. I also got to make a run to the store today to pick up a few things...always nice to get out of the hospital for a few minutes.
Just want to thank everyone for the prayers...and also to say thanks to those who are helping out with the other 3 kids at home while Jim is here and while I am away. God is really working through his people and working things out in unexpected ways..we praise Him for that.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Day +1
Some things to pray about:
Pray for engraftment
Pray that the mouth sores that most patients get will not be too bad or not at all. These are caused by one of the chemos Rachel received. They do not show up until around the 6 day or so.
Fevers can also show up around this time as well as the hair loss.
Pray she has no graft vs host issues.
For nausea to subside.
Pray that she gets no infections.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Update day 0
Day 0 Transplant Day

The marrow
The nurses getting everything ready
Starting the transplant
Friday, August 7, 2009
Day -1

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Day -2
The donor will have her marrow harvested tomorrow. She is doing such a selfless thing and we are praising God for this woman. Please continue to pray for her.
Tomorrow the chaplain is going to do a blessing for Rachel's transplant which will be Saturday. I will fill you in on those details tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Day -3
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Day -4
As you remember to pray for Rachel please pray for the donor that is giving their marrow on Friday. What an awesome thing this person is doing for someone they don't even know. Besides all of the tests they have gone through, they will also have this surgical procedure done, so please lift this person up to the Father. Tomorrow is the last day of the chemo Clofarabine. Thursday starts the chemo Melphalan for one day and the total body irradiation on Friday and transplant day on Saturday.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Day -5
Thanks again for your prayers, notes and cards.