Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day +98

Tomorrow Rachel and I head out to Minneapolis again. We were going to leave today, but decided to wait. So we will go the whole 10 hrs tomorrow. This time the car will not not be as crowded so I think Rachel will be able to sleep and be more comfortable.
It has not been a good week and Rachel has felt miserable most of the week with nausea and stomach cramps, but she is feeling better today and we are so thankful. Hopefully she will be comfortable as we head back. It looks like they have also scheduled an ultra sound of her liver and gall bladder as well as the other tests that were part of day +100 testing. They scheduled that test because of her high ALT level, and the jaundice that she had this past week. Putting her back on the medicine urisodial seems to have helped.
Yesterday we were at the hospital all day while Rachel got her transfusion. They were administering it very slowly. I am going to talk to the doctor and see if they can speed it up a little if she needs to have it again, because at the BMT clinic it never went in that slowly. We got there at 9:15 and were in the room by 9:45 and then it was almost another hour before they started the meds. We didn't get out of the hospital until about 5:30 pm. The room was nice and the nurses were nice, but boy that was a long time. Thanks to Karen for bringing me lunch!
Will try to update after clinic on Monday.

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