Thursday, July 16, 2009

3 Days Down...

Yesterday we met with the bone marrow transplant nurse coordinator to talk about all of the things we can expect during this procedure. We discussed the numerous side affects as well as the types of chemo and different drugs that will be used. We also went over the time line of when things are scheduled to happen. The central line will be put in on Friday July 24th. She will be admitted to the hospital on Sunday July 26, and then she will start the Chemo that same day. Rachel will receive 5 days of one kind of Chemo, 5 days of another, 1 day of another ,and then on the 12th day of treatment she will receive radiation. Friday August 7 is scheduled as transplant day. Yesterday, Rachel also had an echo cardiogram and was seen by the ophthalmology department. Another busy day behind us.


  1. Rach, your are one of the bravest people I know! Always seeing the best in everything!

  2. Brian is right. You are my hero! I love you bunches!!

  3. Rachel, I am praying for you daily. I have watched you grow into an amazing young woman. I know your parents are so proud of you, and I am, too.
